By Anonymous - 29/07/2012 05:27 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I learned that if you go through your best friend's phone, you can find sexy texts and nude pictures between him and your girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 047
You deserved it 5 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you need to find a new best friend and a new girlfriend.

Betrys 7

While going through his phone is wrong. At least you know something's going on. I'm sorry man people can be cruel


galacticstorm 6

Plot your elaborate revenge against them both,carry it out,leave no evidence and then write a dramatized movie script of the whole thing.Make a lot of money off the script and get yourself a supermodel while you live the high life.

galacticstorm 6

I do not condone violent they say,success is the beat revenge:)

KiddNYC1O 20

Your action are well justified.

patacus 14

im not sure if you deserve it or not... I mean... going through your friends phone is a dick move... but damn that sucks

raraisbang 12

In no possible way did OP deserve to get stuck with a skeezy friend or a cumdumpster girlfriend.

MyaaBayyBee 6

Aww that's not right . Never let your girlfriend become friends with your guy friends. I hope you're okay .

Im sorry :( but if they did that then he doesnt deserve to have your friendship and she doesnt deserve you.

well it looks like your single your girlfriend and shoot her one of the texts and ask her about it...she'll fess up to it probably...and good thing (sort of) found that so your not as broken when she ends it...

deplayer 1

Dude that would piss me off oh well better girls out there

Crappy girlfriend and best friend you got there