By Anonymous - 29/07/2012 05:27 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I learned that if you go through your best friend's phone, you can find sexy texts and nude pictures between him and your girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 047
You deserved it 5 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you need to find a new best friend and a new girlfriend.

Betrys 7

While going through his phone is wrong. At least you know something's going on. I'm sorry man people can be cruel


I'd beat the shit out of him and dump her! Sorry OP.. Just go out and do better!

Time to Facebook/tweet about all that info to everyone you (& they) know...& let the shame-fest (for & on them) begin!

LanaToTheTA 13

Time to forward the texts/pics to their parents...

take a picture of your penis in your friend's girlfriend's vigina and send it to him

KiwiKoala 3

Ouch,FYL,Op! That no good friend or girlfriend. I wouldn't post picture of them on Facebook but if i were to be you i would send those picture to my phone & stand up to them for being a bunch of a-holes. Well,We don't know how close these guys were for him to be checking his phone. I mean,My friends check my phone & i check theirs but were okay with it. Anyways,I hope you find a good girlfriend & a good friend that won't be hurting you like this. I know from experiance.:/

Pretty much the same thing happened to me but I'm a girl and it was my cousin/best friend and my boyfriend had sex. I know how you feel, it really sucks.

been there man.... way to many times.....

Im soo sorry OP! I've had a similar situation with my ex and ex best friend. They were doing things behind my back for months, I got rid of them both and my life is 1000x better !