By sickness_sucks - 15/06/2012 06:19 - Canada - Abbotsford

Today, I learned that if you're going to use vicks vapor rub for a cold, you should remember to wash your hands before changing your tampon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 071
You deserved it 17 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the fact that you have a cold while in your period sucks enough.

yoursucklives 36

i can only imagine the pain. i'm sorry for you and your burning ******!


"feel the burn" just got serious...but really; that sucks :(

HAHAHAHAHAHA I've done the same thing after handling peppers! And also with contacts...... Not sure about vapor rub.. but it I'm sure it burns like a bitch! FYL OP

HAHAHAHAHAHA I've done the same thing after handling peppers! And also with contacts...... Not sure about vapor rub.. but it I'm sure it burns like a bitch! FYL OP

That makes me think but I don't want to know!!!

Ohhh. A cold, your period, and vapo rub up there? FYL!