By Ralph - 04/04/2012 03:02 - United States - Candler

Today, I learned that my roommate doesn't actually know a damn thing about cooking. I'm suffering the effects of him telling me that chicken is best eaten medium-rare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 244
You deserved it 13 326

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you know, a temp of 165 or higher is best for poultry... Oh and cook for your self he isn't your mother.

I bet they also tell you that it's okay to eat mushrooms from your backyard.


Why would you eat undercooked poultry? That is completely your fault.

You must be an idiot yourself if you weren't aware that chicken has to be fully cooked before you can eat it.

Well if you were dumb enough to eat it then ydi.