By ticketed - 28/08/2012 16:04 - United States - Bronx

Today, I learned that several thousand people in my state got tickets this month for driving and talking on the phone. My mom called to tell me this while I was driving. I'm now part of that statistic. Thanks, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 297
You deserved it 36 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother didn't make you pick up the phone whilst you were driving though. YDI.

You shouldn't have picked up the phone. YDI


You could've just not picked up the phone...

you're the dumba$$ for even answering it. you should've parked somewhere, and then answered the phone.

Almost got caught yesterday for texting while driving. i noticed the cop just in time, hid my cell phone just in time. she still stopped me because i wasnt driving strait. blamed it on the rain.

You where driving why did u pick up? Glad u got a ticket

Kade20 4

Blame her that's right show your mom she's in the wrong she totally made you pick up your phone!... Dumb ass.

Use common sense and don't answer. Let it go to voicemail and call her when you arrive. ydi

YDI because you were dumb enough to answer the phone while driving.

I agree with pretty much every comment, you didn't have to answer the phone, it's your own fault