By ticketed - 28/08/2012 16:04 - United States - Bronx

Today, I learned that several thousand people in my state got tickets this month for driving and talking on the phone. My mom called to tell me this while I was driving. I'm now part of that statistic. Thanks, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 297
You deserved it 36 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother didn't make you pick up the phone whilst you were driving though. YDI.

You shouldn't have picked up the phone. YDI


Sorry #190, I just saw your comment. I didn't mean to copy (#202). I glad that there is another person who thinks alike.

Sorry #190, I just saw your comment. I didn't mean to copy (#202). I glad that there is another person who thinks the same.

Your fault for answering the phone, smartie

How is it your moms fault you answered the phone?

kikimonole 13

Haha, it's not enforced here. Just texting.

PhishloverA 14

Put your phone on speaker if talking while driving

leahmae88 7

Don't blame your mother, you picked the phone up.

all u people saying its op's fault, if my mom calls me and i dont answer she freaks out/grounds me. plus, even if your mom doesn't mind, its your MOM. she gave birth to u, and i think she deserves to have her call answered.

alexjnolen 0

Death doesn't give pardons to people who answer their mothers, you moron

alexjnolen 0

Who answered the phone you hypocritical idiot?