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By Sexless from Texas - 24/04/2015 11:38 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I learned that, when you ask your girlfriend "Do you think we're having sex too often?" she might interpret it as, "I don't think we should have sex ever again," and entirely stop talking to you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 079
You deserved it 13 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FusionPlacebo 26

Is it bad to have lots of sex with her? Why'd you even ask that, of course she's bound to get offended by it


JMichael 25

That's what I say. why complain?

Thinkitthrough 23

I wonder if he called her a nympho?

Xandrick 22

Now let's reverse the sexes and see how these comments go...

IAmzephyr 22

she maaaayy have overreacted... just a little

FYL, but it is better to end it now OP. You should always avoid people who overreact so easily or can't control themselves.

If I were in her shoes, I'd be embarrassed and/or offended. I've had my boyfriend say similar things and it really stung. I, of course, retaliated out of hurt, but later realized he hadn't meant to hurt my feelings. The subject of sex tends to be sensitive.

Why not ask what he meant? If my SO said something like that to me I know I'd ask what she meant and if she wanted to slow down. Not assume she's being offensive and not say anything, which would spiral it out of control.

ChopSuey444 20

I personally think completely ending a relationship over an overreaction, is in itself an overreaction.

FusionPlacebo 26

Is it bad to have lots of sex with her? Why'd you even ask that, of course she's bound to get offended by it

ChristianH39 30

If it's to the point where it's no longer interesting then it is time to say something. OP probably could've brought it up more gently, but it is possible to have too much of a good thing.

ChopSuey444 20

Also if it's becoming the only thing they do together as a couple, that could be a big problem. I'd start to wonder if my partner just lusts for me rather than loves me if sex is all we ever do.

solarsanteria 15

How much is too much? Is that a thing?

When you start to get road rash on your penis, you're having too much sex.

just use neosporin as lube, you'll be fine

Thinkitthrough 23

While I believe you could have worded your question a bit better, it is definitely an over reaction on the girls part. Sorry OP

I don't know, I've asked my partner if I'm too needy with him since if I had my way we'd have sex at least three times a day. So I can understand where the question arises from, and I'm not sure why she over-reacted. That sucks OP.

I would have asked "Are you complaining ?"