By freakfreak12345 - 19/07/2011 16:41 - United States
Same thing different taste
By sisi9999 - 25/07/2011 04:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/08/2020 14:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/04/2012 02:25 - United States - Binghamton
By Anonymous - 26/06/2013 17:51 - United States - State College
Heavenly Shower
By deadgrass - 29/03/2012 00:44 - United States - Middletown
By Anonymous - 05/09/2015 08:39 - United Kingdom
By Asshole hornet - 28/10/2013 20:18 - United States - Marblehead
Get out
By BearGrillz - 17/08/2009 23:40 - United States
Your brain on alcohol
By michael - 17/07/2019 12:07
By someone euthanize me - 16/01/2016 08:17
Top comments
don't pee on a hornets nest? and don't be a wuss it's just a few stings
no shit Sherlock
Let's pee on a hornets nest, they obviously can't get me up here even though they can fly!
They must have been pissed off...
that's why I only poop on hornet nests
What were you even thin-- Oh wait, you're a freakfreak...that explains it all.
What a idiot xD
look on the bright side, you made us all laugh
They must have been pissed. ;)
Agreed. Don't **** with mother nature; It'll get pissed off.
Close the window next time, might help.
Agreed. Don't piss on mother nature. Shes a bitch.
What were you even thin-- Oh wait, you're a freakfreak...that explains it all.
Well since everyone knows Hornets don't sting they obviously tied OP up to a chair and beat him with bats and brass knuckles. Then sold him into the sex trade and spent the money on crack and kit-Kat bars. What do you think the hornets did?
YDI. Why would you even want to do that? Seriously! I'm sorry that you don't have common sense OP:(
39, I think 2 was asking what the hornets ever did to the OP to deserve getting peed on. Not what the hornets did to him after he peed on them.
35-- Why you gotta copy me?
don't **** with hornets. their so badass they have there own theme song. black and yellow, black and yellow.
you know what they say, its better to be pissed on than pissed off and get stung by a million bees!
Why the F is he peeing out of a second story window?!
Oh. Got it. Some things are hard to convey through text.
85-- To mark our territory *pisses on 85*
Asian perry. You sound like an incredibly boring person.
i call bs! how would you fall out the window if your standing there taking a piss? is it a 5 foot tall sliding window or what
he still deserves it for peeing out a window.
#42 Even if OP didn't know about the nest, who the hell pees out a window?
*pisses on 171*
how about a toilet next time?
were did you get an idea to piss on a hornets nest?! durrrp!! corse there gonna come for you :p
I weep for the future of humanity.
I thought it was pretty funny, and if I had one of those things I would do the same too. Lmao.:D
If you piss on nature it will get pissed off.
To be well away from the hornets I guess - presumably forgetting .... that hornets, as well as stinging like hell, can also ******* fly!
Sorry - that was a reply to 200 but somehow ended up here. Ho Hum.
#44 although this was stupid.. At least he tried something out of the ordinary. Something he dosent do everyday. Yes he couldve used his judgement. But he didnt and this taught him a lesson so i mean its not always appropriate to just dismiss every xrazy idea the second it tests your limits. We woul
42-who pees out a window?
OP might have been drunk, which would also explain why he fell through the window.
Let's us all hope so. Sounds like this guy got what was coming to him.
its better to be pissed off than pissed on...
If this was by accident, fyl. but if it was on purposeydi. except why were you peeing from a window in the first place?? actually, ydi.
this is a pure YDI. seriously was the toilet just too far away??
Some boys just do not deserve to have a penis....
89- the hornets got both.
Those hornets must have been pissed.
wat in gods name gave u that idea???? moron
Why do that in the first place.
ouch. why were you trying this anyway?
on a hornet's nest from a window?
He obviously drank a Sobe just before this.
whats wrong with the toilet?
Maybe OP grew up in the museum of dumbassery.
i get scared shitless by bees
Better in this case to be scared pissless.
Hornet stings hurt a hell of a lot more than bee stings, or yellow jacket, or red wasp. Baking soda and water will be OP's best friends for a couple of days.
Do not fear my friend for these are hornets not bees. ;)
What made you think that was a good idea?
Don't **** with mother nature; it'll get pissed off.
you said that twice mate... :P
same comment twice??
YDI has never been more fitting, c'mon dude!

YDI for peeing on the hornets. what did they do to you?
They must have been pissed. ;)