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By Frouse - 04/06/2019 16:00

Today, after getting home from work late last night and feeling lazy, I'd put my leftover dinner in the microwave, spoon and all. I wake up to find one of the kids started the microwave and it blew up because of the metal spoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 707
You deserved it 2 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you put leftovers in the room-temperature microwave and go to sleep? That’s a recipe for food poisoning! Your kid saved the family.

Why was it easier to toss it in the microwave as opposed to the fridge???


Why would you put leftovers in the room-temperature microwave and go to sleep? That’s a recipe for food poisoning! Your kid saved the family.

You are not going to die because your plate stayed a few hours at room temperature... unless you live in a very unhealthy environment.

Ya think? I once got sick from left-out food with concurrent vomiting and diarrhea. Death is going to be easy compared to that!

bloopaloop 27

Put a Doritos bag in the microwave for 5 seconds. It shrinks to about 1 inch but looks exactly the same

Why was it easier to toss it in the microwave as opposed to the fridge???

why would your kids start the microwave ? obviously they hadn't opened it first to put something in it so I dont understand why they would turn it on.

It depends on the age (or education / intelligence) of the child. I'd assume they saw food in it, didn't know that metal doesn't belong in the microwave (or simply didn't see it, not expecting it to be there) and thought it's for them.

Wtf! How is it easier to put food in the microwave than it is to put it in the fridge??? It’s quite literally the same motion to open both in most cases. You remind me of someone I know that will not use DVD’s (she only streams her entertainment) because she HATES changing the disks. Not sure who is lazier, you or her. This is definitely a YDI.

Kristoffer 35

Fridges keep things fresh because they're cold, not because of the door. Thus a microwave doesn't have the same effect.

damn you lucky your kid didn't get killed I saw a microwave blow up from that before and it literally shot shrapnel all over the kitchen 😱

Matthew Irmen 11

The operative word is lazy. The fridge would have made more sense and if the microwave is the only choice (a bad one) at least remove the metal.