By Username - 08/10/2010 21:30 - France

Today, I learned the hard way that leaving eye drops in your car all day makes them scorching hot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 302
You deserved it 40 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I guess common sense really did die.

Schizomaniac 24

Let the lame puns begin: This gives a whole new meaning to 'heat vision.'


Duh? And wouldn't you be able to tell when you picked the bottle up?

I was kind of thinking the same thing... YDI dude.

You're not the brightest crayon in the box are you?!

Me, I prefer to be the most olive drab crayon in the box...

ifyouseekamy666 0

really? I prefer jersey shore orange myself..

So you pick up the eye drops they're mad hot and you use them anyway YDI.

Because i barely created this account and i got excited..

Jessi2487 0

ouch!!! fyl for, im guessing, burning ur eye. but ydi for leaving eye drops in ur car instead of purse and/or manbag.

K thx for the tip cinn(no sarcasm) and i for sure do not have at@t