By a very unlucky dude. - 18/06/2014 06:37 - Canada - Surrey

Today, I learned the valuable lesson that taking care of a baby crow isn't the best idea. He finally can fly away, but sits on my porch all day cawing for food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 202
You deserved it 13 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

It's like when you feed a stray cat one time and it keeps coming back for more. Eventually it's gonna end up being yours.


Crows can be domesticated. Seems like you succeeded.

Doesn't Uncle Billy have a pet crow in 'It's a Wonderful Life'?

I swear the only reason I watched that show was to see his train. :p

Siettadulce 21

The more important thing is that you are actually taking the time and generosity to care for it so don't worry OP, it will get easier!

Schizomaniac 24

This made me think of Jake from "The Shawshank Redemption".

Gravenmuir 18

That was the first thing I thought! Brooks was here!

I hear you OP, same things with babies I mean you take care of them, feed them, and once they learn how to walk they keep on coming back wanting more. How annoying!!

91hayek 31

I'd rather name it your name. Crofty the Crow. Has alliteration and a nice ring to it.

just like it would have if he didn't help it, at least he gave it a fighting chance now, jeez, no good deed goes unpunished, does it

Goblin182 26

A group of corws is called a murder. One crow is called attempted murder.

Two crows mating is voluntary man slaughter.

Yea, they can name the daughter Cheryl and the son can be Russell. Ooh and OP can be grandpappy crow.