By Anonymous - 10/05/2011 05:12

Today, I learned what a nail gun shooting my leg feels like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 248
You deserved it 11 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ryrywakaka 0

now you can hang a picture on your leg

That's impressive. Where did your nail gun learn to shoot?


SpectSelf 0

lol when I was a kid I thought the saying was no pain no game.

firefly_102 0

I wouldn't recommend you shooting yourself in the leg with a nail gun. It might hurt a little. Or a lot. Whichever way you want to put it.

Probably a little bit like a nail being fired into your leg at high velocity.

imnotcraZ 0

I hate construction bad stuff always happens

so you managed to defeat two safety mechanisms and put a nail into your leg. that sir requires talent! how deep into your leg did the emergency room doctor have to dig to get it out?

$10 says #38 has done this before or is a doctor

if ya dont want to loose the nailgun dont try and nail it to your leg

'loose' = 'not tight' 'lose' = opposite of 'find'