By MommyLovesMe - 08/03/2011 15:21 - United States

Today, I learned why my credit score is so low. My mom stole my identity almost three years ago. Her excuse? "You didn't need good credit for anything anyways". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 714
You deserved it 3 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow.....what a bitch. Turn her in, you need good credit these days!!!

You know that you're on the hook to repay the debts your Mom ran up under your name, don't you? Even if you aren't sued for repayment and/or choose not to pay off the debts, your credit will be trashed for 10 years. This will affect nearly everything you need/want: college loans, apartment rental, car loan, mortgage, JOB (many employers check credit before deciding to hire). The only way to restore your good credit it is to file an identity theft report with the police, then go about cleaning up the mess your Mom left you.


Turn her in. Your excuse "you didn't need to be out of jail for anything anyways". So, where are all the idiots who usually pop up on 'stealing parent' FMLs saying that the parent basically owns the kid now? Huh?

2010smhill2010 0

sue her ass....some people shouldnt be allowed to breed.

iamsamiam 1

agreed!!! its about that time to sue

janise 2

This is the very reason I believe Social Security numbers should not be available to anyone until they're 18.

You need it to get your permit, drivers license, a job, a passport, and plenty of other things. Do you just expect people to do nothing until they're 18?!

fyl that's soooo ****** up. did the fact that you'll someday need that for your own finance or maybe like a house; ever cross her mind? -____-

FlonkertonChamp 6

turn her in. what she did is illegal, and needs to be taken care of.

An interesting piece of advice. I've never heard of these before, but possibly because credit scores and their implications don't work as vindictively in Australia, so it's less of a problem.

pseudolife 4

This is very common now a days. You need to report your mother.

What remarkable irony... OP's username is MommyLovesMe. ^^

Alex94xela 0