By MommyLovesMe - 08/03/2011 15:21 - United States

Today, I learned why my credit score is so low. My mom stole my identity almost three years ago. Her excuse? "You didn't need good credit for anything anyways". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 711
You deserved it 3 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow.....what a bitch. Turn her in, you need good credit these days!!!

You know that you're on the hook to repay the debts your Mom ran up under your name, don't you? Even if you aren't sued for repayment and/or choose not to pay off the debts, your credit will be trashed for 10 years. This will affect nearly everything you need/want: college loans, apartment rental, car loan, mortgage, JOB (many employers check credit before deciding to hire). The only way to restore your good credit it is to file an identity theft report with the police, then go about cleaning up the mess your Mom left you.


FancyKnickers_fml 0

This might look like an 18 karat run of bad luck but in truth, it was rigged from the start.

WhyCantIDoRight 5

U should really take it to the police so u can make ur credit record straight, then (if u want) don't press charges. Ur Mum will get given a warning & ur future will be rescued (u really need a good credit record in this day and age). Win-win!

buttercup1575 0

I used to work for a credit bureau's telecommunication section. You'd be suprised how often we had to tell people that opening up service in their child's name is illegal. OP, if your mom opened up credit before you turned 18, you have an excellent chance of having those accounts surpressed. Supressed means that even if the accounts continue to report to the credit bureau, the accounts won't show up on your report. If you haven't already, contact all three bureaus to see if you can have your accounts suppressed and also have fraud alerts put on your reports. Good luck.

chopsuey310 0
tibbz87 5
midnight165 5

Agreed with number 3.. Your mom had her chance to get good credit.. Don't let her ruin yours too.. Turn her in.. She's already screwed, why be screwed with her?

Does this remind anyone of the mom who burned the Yale acceptance letter?