By RiceCrispyTreats - 01/09/2015 16:46 - United States - Pelham

Today, I left my phone outside on the grass while I went inside to get a drink. I didn't expect my dad to run over it with the lawn mower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 866
You deserved it 28 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he start up the lawn mower as you went inside or was he already mowing the lawn

You couldn't hear him starting the mower/using the mower? I mean, it's not like the things have stealth-mode or something, they're pretty loud.


Well you probably shoudn't leave your phone on the lawn.

imlovingmylife 8

Situational awareness. Learn it, use it, embrace it. YDI.

And now you know that leaving your stuff where it can get damaged is a bad idea. Next time maybe take it with you, or at least set it somewhere where it won't be as likely to get trashed.

Who just leaves their phone outside anyways? Esp laying in grass I mean cmon

YDI. Knowing how tall grass gets, it probably concealed the phone, thus causing it to be run over. Even if the grass was short-ish, it still wouldn't be seen under the lawnmower because of the size comparison.

Tattoo_Freak 15

Shame man! Is the lawn mower okay???