By sirphilmckraken - 08/08/2014 17:30 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I let my coworker use my PC during lunch, because his was having problems. A few hours later, my boss called me into his office and gave me hell for apparently looking at furry porn during lunch break. He won't believe my explanation. For fuck's sake, Dave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 899
You deserved it 6 447

sirphilmckraken tells us more.

sirphilmckraken 4

OP here! I have yet to find a good way to get the tosser back for this so all suggestions welcome, ideally ones that my boss will not give me more shit for. Thats all I need on top of this! FYI, I did have a go at him but he shrugged it off and denied it. For ****'s sake Dave.

Top comments

Plug a wireless mouse into the back of his computer. jostle it occasionally so he thinks his mouse is on the Fritz. Slowly add pennies to his desk phone every night till it's really heavy then take them all out and watch him hit himself in the face. shift everything in his office/cubicle to the left a few inches and watch him go nuts trying to figure out what's wrong. Crush up melatonin into his coffee so instead of getting a caffeine jump his body tries to put him to sleep. (melatonin is a natural body produced sleep aid you can buy at any Walgreens)

find out what TV series he's currently watching and viciously spoil everything.


If Dave hasn't been caught doing it on his, he may have done it on purpose to get you in trouble. I'd be really wary of Dave. Whatever you do in revenge, wait a bit to do it. If something happens to Dave now, your boss may jump on you, as you tried to "pin the blame on him" for something already.

tehdarkness 21

Doesn't your company have a policy requiring you to be present if someone else is using your login???

Yeah I've never seen a workplace that doesn't have an internet proxy that requires some kind of authentication. This is exactly what these policies are for.

Can anyone tell me where the edit button went?

Ouch. Something tells me that Dave's 'habit' probably was what caused his hard drive to go up in smoke. Virus or hardware committing suicide due to it unable to handle furry make the call here.

Dave if you are reading this you are a asshole