By anonymous - 09/05/2013 00:07 - United States - Casper

Today, I let my dad put my dollar in the slot machine for me because I'm not old enough to gamble. I won $200 but he kept it because he "put the dollar in the slot machine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 615
You deserved it 10 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vencku 13

He should at least give you your dollar back. Sorry OP, some people just happen to be pricks.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

break a window & tell him to fix it with your $200


upallnight11 19

But it was YOUR dollar to begin with, so it's not fair.

Don't worry about that. I had people buy me lotto tickets and I never Won. The first time I bought my own legally I won twice.

Maybe this is just the parent's way of teaching OP to wait until they're old enough to gamble before doing so?

Then why take the dollar in the first place?

Because the lessons that cost you money or cause you pain are the ones that will remain vivid in your memory.

That cheapskate! Shit, my mom is notorious for doing that. Whenever I lend her money, like last week I gave her $41, she says I'm deducting ____ amount because you didn't clean your room. It's ridiculous. Anyways, sorry about that OP

Might be easier said than done but in that case I'd just stop lending her money.

...or you could clean your room and not give her reason to deduct. I'm not saying it's right but if you know she does it and you give her cash anyway then you deserve it.

52 - Sounds to me like she's looking for any stupid reason to get out of paying her kid back. If the room was spotless, she'd find something else to deduct for. Hence why I'd just stop loaning her money, mother or not.

Oh wow 52. Lol. I was just using that as an example. As in...she's always finding ways to get out of fully paying me back. Dang. I didn't think that I had to list another example but I guess you didn't get the gist. Another example is when she said I'm taking 6 away from the 32 because I had to go out of my way to pick up your sister and brother. Then when I calmly told her that I was called into work that day (I even TOLD HER THAT DAY that I had been called in) she was like well you never told me that! Don't lie to me. And ended up taking more because I "lied to her". Da fuq?? Always finding ways to not pay me. Other times she would say I'll pay you back when I have enough. I don't have cash right now. Never bothers to remember or ever have cash on her when I remind her. Anyways number 52. Do you understand now or would you like more examples? -_-

And 54, yes I've stopped lending her money. She'd ask to. I say no, sorry but I don't have money. She then asks then what are you spending your money on? Why are you waisting your money? I oughta take your paychecks so you don't use it in frivolous ways!

Parents: making rules just so they can break them. Personally, I hope I never stoop to that level.

rt567 15

sounds pretty selfish of him.

Reminds me of the movie "What Happened in Vegas".

Not even getting your dollar back? Better give him a piece of your mind! Haha :)

Your dad is mean. I'm hoping that he puts it away for your future and doesn't use it all for himself.