By Anonymous - 30/11/2010 15:23 - United States

Today, I lied when my therapist asked why I preferred Tuesday morning appointments. It's actually because World of Warcraft is down for regularly scheduled maintenance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 755
You deserved it 37 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why lie to your therapist? They can't help you if you don't tell them the truth. Also, if you want to play that game, then fair play, but when you can't tear yourself away in such a way (especially for something like this), then you might want to play a little less.


Did you also lie to your therapist when you told him about your exploits in Vietnam?

Yikes! It's people like you keep their schedules full. If you pattern your life around a computer game, than I'm glad you are getting help. Good luck!

Flammin8 0

I wonder what level of catastrophe would occur if someone flip off the servers switch for..a week? I bet suicide would sky rocket.

TheDrifter 23

Nerd duels in times square? Someone finally curing cancer? The possibilities are endless with that many gamers on the loose.

smart planning what the hell r u to do when wow is down

your obsession with w.o.w. is probably a good reason for you needing a therapist

OP you are awesome! Don't ever change. The only thing you have to worry about now is "extended maintenance" :D CATACLYSM IN A WEEK!

BonniBonni 0
cgnz 0

This is totaly win!!! you are my hero lol

I play WOW and I have also planned things during regular maintenance like mowing the lawn Tuesday morning so I can spend the afternoon playing because my time is limited and I only play 2-3 times a week. It's not that big a deal. People adjust things all the time to make room for the things they like. You like WOW - so what? I'm guessing you play every day, all day... that is the problem. You need to play less.... and obviously you already know it.. so play less. Lying to your therapist is a bigger problem. This person is being paid to help you fix your problems. Lying to her will just make it impossible and you will never get better. Reschedule your appointments for a different day and read a book on Tuesday mornings and STOP LYING to your therapist.

What made you assume the therapist was a "she"?

33 The fml states that the op is a female. I don't know about the website but on the fml app the gender of the op is stated on the top right corner.

33 is talking about the sex of the therapist not the OP