By Anonymous - 05/11/2010 19:18 - United States

Today, I lost control of my vehicle while driving. The car went off the road, rolled over, and ended up being totaled. The policeman asked me if I was alright and I said I was. He seemed relieved at my answer. Then he handed me a $300 ticket for failing to maintain my lane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 370
You deserved it 6 021

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrCool48444 0

Same thing happened to me, OP. I lost control of my car from no fault of my own, bounced off a guardrail, shot across 3 lanes of highway, missed everyone else on the road, and hit the other guardrail. I was fine, missed everyone else on the road, but totaled my car. I called the highway patrol to report the accident, and when the cop showed up, he wrote me a $600 ticket for "speed too fast for conditions"...I asked how he was going to write me a ticket for something he wasn't there to witness and he just stared at me. Fought the ticket and won, I suggest you look into fighting it.

Holy shit Zeb, you win the ultimate Grammar Nazi prize of the day for that one.


take a defensive driving course, and come up here to alaska to take it... save us all from retard drivers...

totaled car and a ticket. sounds like you had a great weekend!! Hahah FYL

EvilDave 13

OP, what were you doing that caused you to lose control of your car.

MrCool48444 0

Same thing happened to me, OP. I lost control of my car from no fault of my own, bounced off a guardrail, shot across 3 lanes of highway, missed everyone else on the road, and hit the other guardrail. I was fine, missed everyone else on the road, but totaled my car. I called the highway patrol to report the accident, and when the cop showed up, he wrote me a $600 ticket for "speed too fast for conditions"...I asked how he was going to write me a ticket for something he wasn't there to witness and he just stared at me. Fought the ticket and won, I suggest you look into fighting it.

Well it wouldn't surprise me. I have met my fair share of doucher cops in my day.

YDI for being a dumb twat who can't keep control of their car. Seriously, who it who's boss. Don't be its bitch.

The exact same thing happened to me the day before my birthday this year. I rolled twice, had to crawl out of my overturned car and later got a $65 ticket for "improper lane usage."

fight it. I did something similiar and won!