By unsatisfied - 09/02/2010 03:33 - France

Today, I lost my virginity. It took all of 30 seconds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 460
You deserved it 5 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sucksforyoudude 0

mist have been his first time too

AngryNinja 1

no she didn't get rapped. eminem has better things to do. she probably didn't get raped either or she's say so.


audi00 0

wow he like seriously needs toget it erected or dump that guy. or other wise its pointless.

hahahaha dude get over it ur first times a doozy xD

lovin_darkness 0

lol 152 a snickerdoodle is a sweet cinnimon cookie

Doesn't matter if the OP is a girl or boy. If they both liked that 30 seconds, it doesn't have to end with 1 round you know...

Rachaelzoey 0

ahhhh that sucks! same thing happened to me, except it was bout 3 min... and he's done it plenty of times, so he says..

PunchBuggie01 0

Yea, when i lost mine we were both virgins and it was a epic fail. we didnt know how to keep it in, lol. thrust thrust about 3 times and flooomp. out came the dickk... "Try again later?" i said. "Yes please." we both laughed :)