By kaitlin - 19/02/2010 06:30 - Australia

Today, I lost my virginity to an ultrasound probe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the probe won't brag to his all his friends about it. Anyway, was it good for you?

cbutters 0

Was the ultrasound technician hot? also male or female?... please say female....


spadesghost 1

I refuse to participate due to the fact 50% of posters still don't know how to spell "lose". seriously kids, sound it the f*** out.

why would u be getting an ultrasound if ur a virgin?

If you read some of the other comments, such as #141 or #160 , you'd know.

simsimma88 0

I highly doubt you did. Gynos know what they're doing and if you were a virgin, he wouldn't break it with an ultra sound.

LCabrera24 0

why were u getting an ultra sound? if its causr ur pregnant then u already lost ur virginity

Learn to read, this has already been explained, there are other uses for ultrasounds than for pregnancy check-ups. Also, you've got access to the internet, research!

becca1277 0

My stepmom tried to make me let them do an internal ultrasound! I wouldn't let them just for that reason... dick. not probe.

wooah..! soo memorable.. You should now start makin up stories about your first time..!! :p

Actually they will do an ultrasound probe on a virgin if the reason behind it is serious enough. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian disease the use the device on me and broke my hymen checking for cancerous polyps