By kaitlin - 19/02/2010 06:30 - Australia

Today, I lost my virginity to an ultrasound probe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the probe won't brag to his all his friends about it. Anyway, was it good for you?

cbutters 0

Was the ultrasound technician hot? also male or female?... please say female....


I think what she means by is that she probably thought she was pregnant, got an ultrasound, the ultrasound broke her hymen, meaning she could never get pregnant with her hymen intact in the first place.

Why would she think she was pregnant if her hymen was intact? That makes no sense. Ultrasounds are not just for pregnant women.

I had a baby and still had my hymen. At least up until a few months ago.

mp73 0

#100 definatly not a joke. and #103 the idiocy will stop when people stop being brainwashed by these liars and thinking it's a necessity in life

Gynecology may not be neccesary but it's a dam good idea. I can't think of a better way to detect ovarian cancer and that's the type of thing I want to know about as soon as possible. A gynecological exam should be part of every woman's regular health screenings. It's just a shame so many can't afford it or won't go.

Omg! Don't take Op so seriously. It's a joke. I'm wondering why you needed an ultra sound in the first place.

yu can lose yur virginity by not having sex, the tissue just has to be broken. it doesn't matter if there was a penis in there. girls can lose their virginity by tampons, getting fingered, or just plainely getting something up there far enough to break the tissue

Technically someone is a virgin until they have sex, therefore it cannot be lost by something like tampons. That's like saying a girl is no longer a virgin if her hymen (not sure on the spelling of that) is broken just by something as simple as horse riding, or even just general sport. (please no twisting jokes on that).

@117 bbygirl117. NO...JUST NO! go back to school.

heartagram_in_ro 0

Why were you having an ultrasound?

perdix 29

To have someone put something in her ******. She's too shy to hire a man-*****.

jessica4456 0

lmfaooo hahahaha that is to funny,did ur doctor realize u were having an ******?

that most definitely doesn't count as losing your virginity. you can say "today, the closest thing I've eve had to sex was a vaginal probe. FML." cause that makes sense. how OP said it was stupid.

jcpt1984 0

Ultrasounds are used for tons of different things... this one was probably done to check for cysts or any other abnormalities. When women have really heavy or irregular periods, it sometimes signals a reproductive problem that needs to be investigated, hence the ultrasound.

don't get sad if the technician doesn't call you in a couple days ok ? lol