By kaitlin - 19/02/2010 06:30 - Australia

Today, I lost my virginity to an ultrasound probe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 132
You deserved it 4 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least the probe won't brag to his all his friends about it. Anyway, was it good for you?

cbutters 0

Was the ultrasound technician hot? also male or female?... please say female....


aren't most ultrasound probe tests to check an early pregnancy? I don't think you're a virgin.

rocker_chick23 27

Wow, according to half the idiots commenting on here, I must have been pregnant at age 9 since I had a TVU to check for ovarian cysts. *Rolls eyes*

The hymen is never broken, just stretched to the side.

So many ******* idiots on this thread. I have PCOS which means I have cysts in my ovaries. I am a virgin, and my doctor had to use a transvaginal ultrasound to check for the cysts.

It is possible for a probe or a ***** to break a females hymen aka "popping the cherry" therefore in a sense she would loose their virginity. There is even a surgery that can mend it but it's really not much of a big deal health wise. However if the hymen must be intact for religious reasons the surgery is an option

Trans-vaginal ultrasounds are preferred for picking up early or small anatomical changes in the ovaires and uterus, such as ovarian cysts and early pregnancies. This is because TVUS is more sensitive than trans-abdominal ultrasound. Though it is recomemded you use a trans-abdominal if the patient is still a virgin. But that depends on patient age, preference and severity of the condition. Some of the comments here are ridiculously ignorant. Pick up a book or use the internet. Use of ultrasounds range from diagnosis to procedures. They are preferred to pick up intra-abdominal pathology before CTs or MRIs in some countries. Only an idiot would assume OP is pregnant because she had one.