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By anon7113 - 08/01/2011 10:16 - United States

Today, I'm getting over strep throat. The antibiotics they gave me make me have diarrhea unless I eat yogurt in between each pill. That wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't lactose-intolerant. Yogurt gives me really bad gas. So I have to choose between painful gas or diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 089
You deserved it 2 900

anon7113 tells us more.

anon7113 0

One, I do take an enzyme to help me break down food. It's called Similase. Both acidophilus (sp?) and lactaid don't work for me at all. I've tried. Two, even if yogurt doesn't have lactose in it, it doesn't change the fact that it gives me very painful gas. Three, my mother won't take me to get soy yogurt. Four, I would have asked the pharmacist for a substitute, had I been the one picking up my medication. Unfortunately, my mother didn't realize the problem when the pharmacist was explaining the "eat some yogurt to help with diarrhea side effects" part. Five, whoever said to get a different pill is obviously not good in this area. Most antibiotics can cause diarrhea and the only way to get rid of the strep bacteria is to take antibiotics. So really, I don't have much choice about the pill. Just some clarifications. Thanks. :)

Top comments

I vote gas, at least u can do something rather then sitting on the toilet

knibbsy 4

Gas is by far the lesser of the two evils. Would you rather go through a roll of toilet paper in 2 hours, leaving you with a sore ass and a raw rectum from all the wiping, or amaze your family and friends by playing some of their favorite jazz tunes with your flatulence?


nope choose gas its not so bad just really smelly.

but if he has bad gas it might be wet so it would still be wet

thesunsetglow_fml 8

Umm I vote neither because yogurt isn't the same as milk products.... there's something different in it that makes it different, but I can't remember the name (enzyme? no lactose?!) ... In any case,I'm very lactose intolerant but I can eat yogurt, so I don't know why she would have such painful gas...

I vote yogurt and a pill of Valerian root (available at drug stores) - it takes care of gas very well, so you won't be in pain, plus relaxes you a little :)

dun dun dun 32 is right, theres actually no lactose in yogurt. its burned out when it gets made. my doctor told me so cuz i cant have lactose :)

There's very /little/ lactose in yogurt, on average. Some yogurts are better than others in that some have less lactose; there are also certain brands with only trace amounts (they say lactose-free) on the label. Did your doctor suggest a particular brand? If so, that may be because that particular brand doesn't contain lactose. Yogurt also has certain bacteria in it which may also help with the digestion of it... though I'd have to look that fact up because I'm not entirely sure on that part. I am also lactose intolerant, though not severely. I can have cream cheese on occasion, and yogurt and highly processed cheese (think McDonalds' burger cheese, string cheese, etc) more often.

suppepz 0

I say farts too haha JK the other one

I was severely lactose intolerant when I was younger but it seems to have gone away.

I vote gas, at least u can do something rather then sitting on the toilet

tis very true. unless you still have a training potty. you could poo in any house in the room!

thebatman648 0

or she could just take lactaids for her lactose intolerance...

Um... why not just get dairy-free yogurt?

dayng daht sux. (just trying to drive grammar natsi crazy)

Should have left out the last part for the lulz.

Waswashere - admitted, intentional trolling will get you nowhere.

camsham86 0

Here is an idea, idiot. Call the doctor and tell them you are having a bad reaction to the medication and that you want different drugs! YDI! If the cure makes you just as sick, then you need to call. If you choose to suffer, it's your own stupidity.

amazinggbaby 2

5 The diarrea seems to be a side effect of the drug that the doctor knows about, since he told her to eat yogurt to avoid it. There are only so many drugs for one infection. Either way, you seem to be a bit too infuriated by the situation.

theres tons of antibiotics, and she could take an antidiarrheal instead of yogurt. she's deserves it

xShannonxSammyx 7

Painful gas, it's much cleaner. :D

noto_fml 0

get a new doctor who can give you antibiotics that don't cause you to shit everywhere or just stink up the place

FYLDeep 25

Oh shit. I can't drink milk anymore either. I'm glad I'm not in this pickle. Mmmmm... Pickle...

ArthursLifeSucks 2

Take the *****. It's healthy to clean out your colon occasionally. You're killing 2 birds with one stone here.

brt3420 13

ever heard of lactate genious? I'm lactose intolerant and that builds up your ability to eat dairy products idiot

thesunsetglow_fml 8

was that an attempt to spell "genius"??

"Lactate" is also a verb. It's most likely "lactaid" you're looking for...

ICaughtFire 4

12 - Builds up your ability to eat dairy, eh? No, it doesn't. It's a pill called "Lactaid" (get the name right if you're gonna give someone shit) which contains the necessary enzymes for digesting dairy. You need to take it every time you eat dairy so that you can digest it. It does not build up tolerance...

It's quite ironic how you spelt 'genius' wrong.