By unlucky - 08/10/2012 16:39 - United States - Alpena

Today, I'm going to be helping the love of my life pick out an engagement ring for my cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 342
You deserved it 4 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I can't imagine how difficult that would be. You are a strong person for being supportive of your cousin; I can't say that I'd be such a good sport if I were in your position.

Your love is coming. Just hold on an be patient. Congratulations on being a wonderful enough person that you haven't tried to sabotage your cousin's happiness for your own.


Ok u have serious problems u phsysco bitch

Spring2013Bio 3

What is w/people still holding on to the love of their life when the other person obviously never felt that way about them. You cannot get someone to love you even if you think that they are the one. I'm not being mean, but you need to move on or you will be miserable.

HalfLit 17

I hate when people say "love of my life" and it's not mutual. Because in that case, no. They are not the "love of your life" and you need to move on so that you can actually find the one who is.