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By AMIGODO - 12/02/2011 15:13 - Netherlands

Today, It was my birthday and my friends came to celebrate it. My parents thought it would be funny to give me a vibrator in front of everybody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 873
You deserved it 5 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, they were right; that's hilarious. For my friend's 18th birthday, I gave him porno. His mom thought it was a lot funnier than he did.


derpherp 0

Hell yah, that is HILARIOUS. _φ( ̄ー ̄ )

fatalkiss 0

funny for everyone else. I'd die if my parents did that.

You'd die? Wow that's unfortunate. Do you have some sort of disease that causes this? Have you seen a doctor?

failure...guess it's a good thing that ur parents are comfortable with it instead of against it...i think?

Don't worry DocBastard will take care of you.

JustinTheLiger 0
VinegarStrokes 0

This is not fml worthy at all... How does shit like this make it through??

sammy92 0
fatalkiss 0

Well, okay, I exaggerated. But if you knew my parents, you'd know how ridiculously awkward they would make it. Plus, I don't really get the need to own a vibrator if you have a boyfriend.

die of embarresment... also there's this thing called a figure of speach

would have been better if she was a guy

What a thoughtful gift. you should be happy.

is that approaching nirvana as you display pic?

flybye 0

You parents rock! My B-Day after I came out, my mom got me a ***** front of everyone.

You got a useful present and now you are complaining? tss tss tss.

I know, right? OP, do you know how much vibrators cost nowadays?!

Yes, they were right; that's hilarious. For my friend's 18th birthday, I gave him porno. His mom thought it was a lot funnier than he did.

lilponygurrl 0

I don't get it, why is that embarrassing? life is too short to be embarrassed.

SpRiTzSpLaSh 7

Some parents you got there 0.e .... I couldn't imagine ....

Say: "Mom, what did I tell you? No second-hand gifts this year!"

Actually, Doortje, it's third-hand. Dad used it too.

OP shouldn't whine then, third-hand vibrators are gold! A rare and unique collecters item.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I now bring you the winner of the comment section ! *loud cheers*