By Anonymous - 30/11/2011 02:09 - United States

Today, I'm spending time with my granny, with whom I'm supposed to live with for a few weeks. I've noticed that she repeats the last word of every sentence I say, and now I'm wondering how it's possible for me to now be so horrible that I want to punch a sweet 92-year-old lady in the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 879
You deserved it 5 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Atleast you admitted it was horrible to think it

AlaskaKid95 7


Admitting it IS the first step to realizing you have a problem.

bubo_fml 10

Swearing fun w/ Gran! "Will I? ****!"" I need a shite!" etc...

So if you're yelling at her while beating her up, would she still repeat the last word? Even I feel bad of the thought of laying a hand on my grandparents.

G6chick 0

It's ok before my great grandma got too senile she always said " uh huh. Mhm. Yup" over and over while u spoke. The whole time u spoke. Just ignore it

JukeboxValkyrie 19

You could always play pseudo-emo and not say much while you're with her. Or feign a sickness in which you lose your voice and can only write on paper to communicate.

Michael_92 20

You sir suck. To think that and then post it...I couldn't say that about my grandma ever.

She possibly has a mild form of Tourette's. Chances are she doesn't even realize she's saying it.

felah17 6

I have a friend who's 51. His name is Wes. He finishes every sentence with "org". He says he doesn't even realizes he does it. We call him,"" : )

capricornsssss 15

For some reason as soon as I read this comment I thought of a character out of the Terry Pratchett books who does this but then that would mean your granny was a grandpa and also a priest but any way you mustn't punch you're granny as they usually make delicious cookies and also repeat the last words of her sentences and see what happens then

obff527 7

I live with my sweet 93 year old crazy gma and feel THE SAME WAY!