By Vassy - 04/12/2012 18:51 - Canada - Montreal

Today, I made a positive remark to the owner of my local groceries store for employing a special needs girl. Not only is the girl not mentally handicapped, she's also the owner's daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 667
You deserved it 32 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's just so hard to tell with some people...

"Your daughter is pretty handicapped around the store. Shit, I meant HANDY. You GOTTA believe me!"


It is better to put the person first, before the disability. It should have read "the girl with special needs" instead of " the special needs girl"

Being the mother of a special needs child it's nice that there are still people that show appreciation for that. Although it is funny that she wasn't & she's the owners daughter!

Guess you can wave that Christmas bonus goodbye then.

Epikouros 31

Which grocery store gives bonuses to clients? I want to shop there.

What grocery store gives Christmas bonuses to their shoppers? I wanna shop there.

Wow I'm blind. Please ignore my comment. *Note to self, read thread before replying to post.*

Good point, not sure why I read it as OP working at the store. Sorry for the idiocy, it was very early.

Well, time to be hitting the old dusty trail.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You meant no harm but in the future I would advise against pointing it out.

I understand complimenting people is nice and stuff but there are 3 major subjects you stay away from: 1. Women you think are pregnant. 2. Handicapped/special people. 3. Women with weight. I give you points for trying to be nice though.

What did she look like that you thought she was handicapped?? Either she dressed THAT horribly or you are THAT reserved about not dressing normally.