By sixsix - 24/12/2008 11:19 - France

Today, I made love to my girlfriend. I penetrated her for a while, then stopped to get my breath back... She carried on moaning even though I'd stopped moving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 184
You deserved it 8 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Arise, fair maiden, I have penetrate thou's divine walls through thy hole that fit thee's battering ram.


#20.. How exactly does faking an ****** show that she cares for him? I've never understood why women fake orgasms.. Not every women is the same, and not every women gets off to the same stimulus.. What worked with one girl may not work with another. If what the guy is doing isn't working for you, then you cheat no one but yourself by faking it, when all you need to do is give a few simple instructions to have an actual ******.. Most guys appreciate the help.. That said, 'make love'? 'Penetrate'? Romantic language there, mate. I doubt she was faking.. Have a **** inside a girl feels good whether it's thrusting or not.

XxXCrissyXxX 12

Yes, but some guys get really hurt by it, even if they try to hide it. It's like a girl you really care for asking "am i fat? Do i look too big in this?" Most guys, wanting to spare her feelings, will say what she wants to hear. Also, i don't think she was faking it, though it can be hard to tell. Maybe she was really in to it.

Except the difference here is that even if it "hurts a guy's feelings", better communication results in more pleasure for both partners, and there isn't a situation where someone is taking without giving.

dude this is SO not an FML story. that's a GOOD thing that she's still moaning after you're out of her...she's just gonna want you even more. and #16 this kid could be any age!

deannababy 0

this is definitely not fake! happens to me sometimes.. just when it's so good your moaning keeps going. it's not just gonna allllll of a sudden and thats it.

ohitsali 0

dude, this is a good thing. you ******' rocked her world. that's like, being able to give someone an ****** by just looking at them. your girl had better hold onto you before some other chick snatches you up, lmaoooo.

I agree with the many people who say it's not an FML. This is definitely a good thing.

Kitt_Katt 0

Um... that's a GOOD thing...

MrsJJ 0

#34 is right....that IS a good probably hit just the right spot before you stopped moving. and anyway, if you're any good at all, she won't just stop moaning in the middle, even of you stop. it'll take her a little while to stop feeling it, especially if you're really big;)

You don't need to be trusting all the time for a girl to get ******. After a she starts to experience ****** it takes an automated stance. I mean you don't even have to touch her and she keeps getting the ******. Nothing wrong happened with you. Just chill

You don't need to be trusting all the time for a girl to get ******. After a she starts to experience ****** it takes an automated stance. I mean you don't even have to touch her and she keeps getting the ******. Nothing wrong happened with you. Just chill

Iddish00 is right, girls who fake are just losers who will never be good at sex. Most of them just lay there and expect the guy to do all the work. *NEWS FLASH* That's not how sex works. If I found out my gf was faking during sex I would ask her to stop and tell me what I was doing wrong, if she refused to admit it or just refused to have me help I'd finish and then dump her. Girls who don't communicate about sex won't communicated in other areas of their lives. *phew* that was a mouthful eh? lol @OP: It sounds like you are a complete badass in bed and your girl appreciates it, not an FML at all ;)