By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 10:26 - United States

Today, I made the mistake of sneezing in front of a hyper religious customer, who for ten minutes blamed the incident of shifting weather patterns that signaled the return of Jesus, who was as she explained, upset about the abortion rates in America and President Obama. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 926
You deserved it 5 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Y'know, I'm Christian, and I love Jesus, and all that... But I just can't stand people like that...ugh

perfectwinds 0

Haha I love hyper religious customers. When one found out I was pregnant she literally reached across the desk, grabbed my head, and said "GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR BABY!" really loud. I couldn't stop laughing after she left.


leMeepO_o 0

aahahhahahahahhahahahh thats terrible...

BeautifulLove2 0

hahahah thats sooo funnnyy i would have died laughing

wow. 105. A) Barack Obama is not Muslim. B) If he were Muslim, you should show some tolerance and respect for the beliefs of others. C) I can't believe racism like that which you just spewed still exists.

BigMac_fml 0

Why do religious people get so uptight about Obama and abortion policies... seriously who cares if it's legal or illegal, if you get knocked up, nobodies forcing you to have an abortion. Definitely FYL dude

BigMac_fml 0

Why do religious people get so uptight about Obama and abortion policies... seriously who cares if it's legal or illegal, if you get knocked up, nobodies forcing you to have an abortion. Definitely FYL dude

Should've just said "No, I'm just allergic to retards."

Christians are ******* toxic, forever poisoning the rest of us with stupid crackpot theories, invites to their god damn church, and all kinds of other bullshit no one gives a flying **** about... and they think it's their duty in life to do so, spread the word of the lord, annoy everyone you meet... assholes. do I come around town talking about great life is without religion? no, I don't. so don't tell me how ******* great your life with jesus is, because you've never met him, never will, and are just making yourself look like a spacecase. #101 come on... M.C. Hammer.... really? a one hit wonder... and even that sucked ASS.

#101 i am not religious... however i believe in jesus.... why because he was probably a human being who was disillusioned about his existence and conception and somehow managed to make other people believe also. i really dont believe there is a god sitting up above us watching his little earth experiment it is far to ridiculous, especially considering there is NO proof. also religion has no place in politics.... anyone heard of Israel? and i truely think no man no matter what should have any say at all in abortion.... they will never have to deal with an issue like that.

you deserved that one (666).....yikes...I guess the devil thinks YDI

Panicattackx5 0

That's not really a FML. That's called working with the general public, man. We've all done it, we've all had wtf moments.