By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 10:26 - United States

Today, I made the mistake of sneezing in front of a hyper religious customer, who for ten minutes blamed the incident of shifting weather patterns that signaled the return of Jesus, who was as she explained, upset about the abortion rates in America and President Obama. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 926
You deserved it 5 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Y'know, I'm Christian, and I love Jesus, and all that... But I just can't stand people like that...ugh

perfectwinds 0

Haha I love hyper religious customers. When one found out I was pregnant she literally reached across the desk, grabbed my head, and said "GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR BABY!" really loud. I couldn't stop laughing after she left.


I have no problem with religious people. I just have a problem with them when they're talking about religion and God and Jesus. I respect that they have their beliefs, but can't they just shut up about it and let me have MY beliefs? People that force their own beliefs on other people should tie themselves to a pole.

effingclassy 0

Dear OP/retailslave, Check out notalwaysright dot com (as in the customer is not always right) It's glorious. Love, fellow retailer

and people wonder why no one wants to be a Christian. it's because of people like this who are totally psycho. we're not all like that, though.

Man I hate bible thumpers. Religion is chill just don't try to shove that crap down my throat

xxPrettyJane 0

#33, nobody encourages abortions. obama just wants women whose health is at risk by her pregnancy, or a woman pregnant by rape, to have the option of abortion. there is NOBODY who says: GO OUT AND GET AN ABORTION NOW!!! YAY IT'S FUN

elara15 0

I'll be honest, I'm more of a deist though I attend a Catholic church. One of the things I have admired about the Catholics (unlike not letting women be priests or letting priests marry) is that they have always taught the Bible as an allegory and have supported evolution all along. #33, you're just as bad a representative of religious people as that crazy customer. Abortion is not automatically anti-religion. It made some sense in the past, but most churches support nonprocreative sex, so you have to be realisitic about birth control and other procedures. There are Bible passages like Exodus 21:22-25 and Ecclesiastes 4:3 that don't equate the fetus with human life and think it's better to have never existed. I would never vote Republican. They do nothing to help any of the less fortunate. The Christians who have sided with them have no understanding of politics. (Not that Democrats aren't without flaws.) Luke 16:8 -- "And it is true that the children of this world are more shrewd in dealing with the world around them than are the children of the light."

AlAesthetic 0

People need to keep their religion to themselves

I encourage abortions. Unfortunately obama doesnt though ;/ we have a huge over population problem & we cant justify genocides... plus they never really turn out right

xxMariahhh 0