By Anonymous - 08/04/2009 10:26 - United States

Today, I made the mistake of sneezing in front of a hyper religious customer, who for ten minutes blamed the incident of shifting weather patterns that signaled the return of Jesus, who was as she explained, upset about the abortion rates in America and President Obama. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 926
You deserved it 5 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Y'know, I'm Christian, and I love Jesus, and all that... But I just can't stand people like that...ugh

perfectwinds 0

Haha I love hyper religious customers. When one found out I was pregnant she literally reached across the desk, grabbed my head, and said "GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR BABY!" really loud. I couldn't stop laughing after she left.


mrhahn530 0

Number 27, most of us are against him because he uses tax dollars to encourage and pay for abortions which we, as Christians, believe is murder. He also supports a plethora of liberal agendas that go against christian morals (theory of evolution, etc). Thats why...

They don't need to give you a bad rep, most wars, the Salem Witch Trials, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks were caused by differences in religion, or crazy religious zealots being assholes. Without religion this world would be a better place!!

Damn religion. I completely agree with #34, almost every war, terrorism, and 'evil' act is due to religion and conflicting religions.

ozymandias_fml 0

Your own fault for *letting* them go on that long. With me, it would have lasted 10 seconds -- just long enough for me to tell them that I had no interest in their religious convictions, and that this is not the time, nor the place to be discussing them.

I agree with #5. People like this bother me. And technically, I'm not religious. So when people say this stuff to me, I get irritated. xD;

Obama sucks. I love how my tax dollars are paying for Kumar to talk to Hollywood for him

#20, please use some form of grammar and proper spelling the next time you post. This has to be real. I don't think a logical person could come up with something this weird.

#33 please don't generalise, you might believe that abortion is murder and that darwinism goes against christian morals, but many christians (I believe most christians actually), including myself don't think that way.