By Anonymous - 21/08/2011 20:18 - United States

Today, I married the man of my dreams. At the after-party, my psycho grandma stood up, called for quiet, and engaged in a long rant about how this was "the beginning of the end" and advising everyone that the secret to a successful marriage is "cheating, plain and simple". FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 318
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste


oops_im_fucked 8

I was being sarcastic... However, I wonder what'd she say if she was sober

gTOtheT 7

It never said she was drunk... Just psycho...

emilo_fml 0

Well isn't that nice words of wisdom... Not

asoptavlo14 6

Well isn't that a nice comment... Not

Hey guys the 90's called they want there phrase back!

sguitaradam 5

Hey, the 80's called and they want their 'hey the *decade* called and said they want their *object* back' joke back.

iJasper 8
emilo_fml 0

Well arnt you a bunch of nice people to a kid that had cancer.

nc21690 19

sounds like grandma wont be invited to the next family event.......

She must have watched Dane cooks stand up comedy.

waileybeem1994 1

Well that's messed up sorry :(

Buttsexpirate 9

"you groom, if you want a successful marriage, **** the bridesmaid. And you my granddaughter take this. It's the number of my other son, go and **** him too.Cheat as much as you can!"