By accidentalslut - 07/08/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, I met a hot guy at a club and we really hit it off. We went back to his place and we got down to business. After, I noticed he had an iPod Touch on his nightstand. I complimented him on it and he responded with, "Yeah, my girlfriend gave it to me as an anniversary present." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 106
You deserved it 56 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

qwertyuiop8989 0

It's just's his fault...not yours

Why would you complement him on his ipod touch, if it was like an iPhone signed by a famous person a could see it, but come on


drzhottie148 0

He never said the still went out. So he could be single

drzhottie148 0

He never said they still go out. He could still be single.

superking91 0

Who cares that it was a one night stand? It's just sex, and I doubt that either of them expected this to become a relationship. Also, what if the guy lied at the bar and said he was single?

she_wolf 0

that's what you get for fxcking random guys, you bar slxt.

there is nothing accidental to being a ****. YDI

bad_day2 0

#33-I think you said this in the most respectful way as pm anyone else that's commented this. And I'm one of those virgins that could have sex and have had plenty of opportunities but am holding off until I am married. I don't think it's right that OP had sex with someone she didn't know but you guys don't really know her situation...she could have just made an exception for this guy she'd hung out with for a few hours and thought seemed really sincere. Maybe it was the first time she'd had sex with someone she barely never know. Don't assume the worst. And even if she had before,(I'm no "feminazi" at all) but this man is more guilty than the woman. The guy could have easily told her even before just flirting for a little bit but let alone before sex. Yeah, he sounds like the biggest "****" here although OP is no angel herself for not asking or having sex with someone she just met. Guys do this kind of thing all the time, it's just that most of the time, the woman wouldn't be "slutting around" when she had a boyfriend. It's partly YDI and FYL.

deliapearl 0

WTF are you complaining about? Same thing happened to you last week.

FlaminYawn 0

she might've given it to him a while back and then they broke up, although incorrect, he might've been saying girlfriend in past tense...just like if he said "my ex-girlfriend gave that to me", which would probably be past tense, but could also be a present tense statement if she's a really cool ex.

wow, why is everybody so goddamn angry at this woman?!? jesus christ, it's not that much of a YDI. also, how do you know they didn't break up? he wouldn't throw away an iPod touch just because they weren't together anymore.

frannytrois64 0

BECAUSE More than half of the people here think ***** should be burned on the stake, basically.

You mean how most people react to *****? They're worthless people.