By sad - 24/04/2009 08:18 - United States

Today, I met a really cute guy at work. He asked for my number, and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. After looking at the paper, he crumpled it up, yelled "Do you think I'm stupid? I know the rejection hotline when I see it", and walked away. It was my real phone number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 269
You deserved it 3 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His loss! Looks like he's stupid after all.. i'd call that a lucky escape


ok obviously he's a creep from getting so many rejection hotline numbers that he would have memorized it by then consider yourself lucky!

FHL for knowing that number. you're good. It's his loss.

Raistlin6 0

Nevermind OP, he sounds like a paranoid douche anyway

You probably have one digit different or something. And that 'really cute guy' has been rejected before.

I hate it when people don't explain themselves YDI that shit out of that one

Hey if he's familiar with the rejection then it says something about him!

Should've stopped him and asked him to call the number right there to show him your phone when it rang. Problem solved.