By sad - 24/04/2009 08:18 - United States

Today, I met a really cute guy at work. He asked for my number, and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. After looking at the paper, he crumpled it up, yelled "Do you think I'm stupid? I know the rejection hotline when I see it", and walked away. It was my real phone number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 269
You deserved it 3 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His loss! Looks like he's stupid after all.. i'd call that a lucky escape


Yikes. I'm not sure if that's an F Your Life so much as an F HIS Life.

Haha at the guy for being given the rejection hot-line number so often he thinks he has it memorized.

shorty311_fml 0

i didn't know there was hotline numbers for rejection might come in handy how hahaha

Sounds like he was just messing with you.

You should have told him to try calling the number before throwing it away so he knows it's your real number. On the other hand, maybe you dodged a bullet there, he sounds pretty overreactive and like someone else said, familiar with the rejection hotline :P. I wouldn't say your life is ******, some things like that happen for a good reason P.S. #108 check out

dudemitch 0

with a reaction like that its easy to see why he gets rejected alot

Raisianhell 0

Thats his fault for being dumb, don't think anything of it.

Awww. Well, FYL, because if your number is that similar to the rejection hotline, then this is just going to repeat itself.

If he can recognize the Rejection Hotline on sight, then consider yourself lucky!