By sad - 24/04/2009 08:18 - United States

Today, I met a really cute guy at work. He asked for my number, and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. After looking at the paper, he crumpled it up, yelled "Do you think I'm stupid? I know the rejection hotline when I see it", and walked away. It was my real phone number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 269
You deserved it 3 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

His loss! Looks like he's stupid after all.. i'd call that a lucky escape


if he's that hot, he's probably rejecting you!!!

I wonder how many times he has been rejected to have such a low selfesteem. I kind of feel sorry for him. Anyway, there are alot of other cute guys out there, so he missed out on you, not the other way around .

um... this guy clearly thinks he knows the rejection hotline number well. makes me wonder how many times he's seen it before. poor guy.

anonymousssss_fml 3

poor guy. i hope you told him it wasn't the rejection hotline. maybe there's still a chance.

monkeysss 3

That's lame. You don't need someone that paranoid anyways.

lazylacey 0

hahaha what a loser. u could have explained though.......

Miss_Tyff 0

Wow. Well, you don't want to be with someone THAT insecure and paranoid anyway, right?

sondramcfail 0

I see he's very familiar with the rejection hotline, maybe that's a tipoff... ;p