By Anonymous - 01/03/2014 06:09 - Australia - Mordialloc

Today, I met my boyfriend's adoptive family. There was his mom and several brothers, one of whom tried to hit on me. They tried to convince my boyfriend to break up with me, and his mom told me I'll probably get knocked up by the brother who hit on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 493
You deserved it 4 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should definitely never see them again.

Odd family. Be glad your boyfriend doesn't share the same genes.


Was your boyfriend standing up for you throughout all of this? If he wasn't, you might want to rethink the relationship.

grindzilla 4

If that's how his family acts don't expect too much from this guy

They sound like a very affectionate family~

With a boyfriend like that,u'll suffer more