By monogamous - 28/10/2010 09:26 - Australia

Today, I met my husband's other wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 434
You deserved it 4 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like this kind of FMLs- simple, short and depressing.

Wait until you meet your husband's other wife's husband, and then HIS other wife, and then... Somehow it'll go back to Kevin Bacon.


CatPerson123 0

She probably wasn't otherwise it wouldnt be an FML... Think about it if you were married and your husband had another wife and she was Ugly! You would feel.... Good?

brunobabe 0

Well u too have a lot in commen ! ;D

Is she nice? You should make him pay... either in blood or money.

That is legally impossible, one of the marriages HAS to be invalid. You and the other wife should jointly sue him.