By immovingout - 04/05/2013 17:46 - United States - Huntington Station

Today, I met my new roommate. She has a life-size cardboard cutout of Justin Bieber in her room, which I've seen her having actual conversations with twice already. I have to share a bedroom with this psycho. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 139
You deserved it 4 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you see her trying to duct tape a banana to the cutout's crotch, I suggest you find somewhere else to sleep for a while.

Isn't that grounds to be locked away?


FrancesShiver 20

You shouldn't call her a psyko. Maybe she's mentally chanllenged but sweet.

I say burn it and every copy she gets in the future. she'll learn eventually

See this is why I know I'm probably counted as insane, but at least I know my action figures aren't talking back, can't, and I'm pretty much ranting to myself because I can't vent to others. Then again the school I was at caught me once and I got sent to a counseller. -_- Didn't help, just a one time free/forced visit to assess my mental health... Like that'll do much.