By chumman - 06/05/2014 13:55 - United States - New York

Today, I met this overweight chick and ended up sleeping with her. We were doing it doggy style and it was great until she said, "Milk me like a cow." I can no longer drink milk without hearing that in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 151
You deserved it 20 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well thanks OP. Now none of us can drink milk without thinking about that too.

Seems like you were a bit too thirsty..


I know this girl! Some fat chick named Magnesia, right?

idrownedmyfish7 6

I'm sorry, but I like cinnamon toast crunch too much to let this bother me.

numberswoman 14

well you should have told her that you don't drink whole milk...only fat free...

Right when we started getting into it Girl says, "ooh talk dirty to me" then I was like "I'm c***ing" lmao haha...that killed the mood real quick;-) (thumbs up if you get the reference)

I think she wanted you to pull on her ****. Did you pull on her ****? Pull those ****! Did I just say ****? oh my...