It's all too much
By toomuchlove - 02/08/2010 23:32 - United States

By toomuchlove - 02/08/2010 23:32 - United States
By S. Dub - 10/04/2020 05:00
By Ugh - 13/09/2015 06:03 - United States
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States
By Anonymous - 19/01/2016 11:03 - United Kingdom - London
By Anonymous - 30/05/2009 14:19 - Australia
By during - 19/05/2010 12:12 - United States
By merpaderp14 - 09/09/2013 06:15 - Canada
By cheekymonkey97 - 24/10/2016 16:48
By mperrotta913 - 21/05/2010 15:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 10:24 - United Kingdom - Northampton
haha, yeah but it's not OPs fault for saying something, OPs bf sounds like a dick, she should talk to him about it
i am so trollin kthx bai
Just tell him what you really meant. Problem solved. :/
you are black ^^^
No shit Sherlock. :]
YDI for telling your boyfriend that you like the way he moans during sex, and he interpreted it as "milk it" and the sound is ruining the sex.
no, U ^^^^
ok im tired anyways QQ
i still remember the guy in 8th grade that burped in his girlfriends mouth during their first kiss at school. i love run on sentences.
Nah, looks like she shoulda stuffed a **** in it.
Got Milk?
can someone tell me what this FML means... trying to picture it but it doesnt male sense. milk what? and whats making noise?
By milking it op means that he moans way too much now that she's told him she likes it and it's gotten annoying and out of hand...not that he says "milk it" during sex... Big mistake OP, it's so much more special when your partner doesn't know and it's just natural, everytime I've made the mistake of telling my boyfriend that I particularly like some little thing he does, he inevitably starts to over do it.
Ear plugs?
YDI for thinking that moaning can ruin sex
oh lordy, when I saw this all I thought about was "oh yeah baby, milk it, ohhhh yes MILK IT! YES, OH YES!" am I perverted? D:
sounds like me and my gf. she said she wanted me and her to be closer and appearently now im "clingy"
102 yes it does mean your perverted, but who doesn't love perverts? :)
mabey she should just shut up, we don't moan we grunt
that's hawt
that's pretty unfortunate. if you can tell him what you like you should be able to tell him what you don't like xP just TALK to him stupid ass
moan equally as much and make it into a game.
Why are so many FMLs about sex? Can't people just keep it to themselves? If you disagree write a comment
Virgin much?
I agree! isn't it supposed to be something personal?
yeah buy it's annonomous (spelling fail) so it doesn't matter, they sometimes just want to share
and it's bad to be a virgin why?
yeh, whats so bad about being a virgin?
nothing is wrong with being a virgin(: but sex FML's are the funniest to me
wats so wrong about being a virgin? And I find the fml's about sex sometimes the funniest.
#4 don't be such a whining bitch. you don't have to read the FML's about sex. so stop being a drama queen.
59/60: Win.
believe it or not, not everyone sees sex as a hugely personal thing, and will talk about it just like its any other subject being all 'but thats a personal subject' is just being uptight
64- its not being uptight, it's respecting yourself and keeping your private life private. not everyone has to know who you had sex with last night and what he/she said to you. how about some self respect guys? and to all those people who think being a virgin is something to be mocked about are just simply immature. the fact that people are saving themselves for marriage, or atleast close to it is not something to be ashamed of.
51, not to mention you can still contract certain STI's without ever having sex.
How exactly is telling people who you had sex with or discussing it disrespecting yourself? Personally i only have sex with 1 person, and that would be my girlfriend. Now, i don't go around discussing my sex life with everyone, just people i know, and i know for a fact my girlfriend talks about it with her friends. But it doesn't bother me, because i'm a much more open person than a lot of people. Now, i can respect people not wanting to talk about it, what i can't respect is people that feel the need to judge people that do talk about it, and start moaning when people talk about it. These FMLs in particular are in a specific part of this site, so if you don't want to read them, avoid the intimacy category.
WTF !!! so many and so much 'people' !! get a life dude.
I'm sorry i think you're wrong... i think everyone is goddam wrong. You're all idiots for saying 'This is disrepecting' yourself or 'This definatly isn't'. Sure, in your expereince, in your culture, enviroment it is in your opinion. For me, it really isn't. I'm in a liberal enviroment where friends will confide in friends for advice (to do with sex or not)... but in some mormon village, jsut talking about sex is disrespectful. There is no right answer when it comes to opinion.
Best not to read intimacy catagory then.. Most of them are discussing sex. But reading them you're being partically hypicritical by reading them and being part of the discussion.
I agree with 82 completely :)
ha. look at the madness I have created ^^
Why are you even on FML?
L...M...F...A...OFFFFFFFF!!!!!! YDI haha
that's when ball-gags come in handy
no, just offering my advice to solve the problem(:
how is this an fml?!?!
hmmm nothing better than hardcore man moan :/
I'm so disappointed that this story started with the phrase "milk it," and then never had any reference to *******! :( I once was making out with this girl who was sitting in my lap and she said, "I like your size." I asked, "You can tell it just from sitting on my lap?" And she said, "I meant sighs!" That's a true story.
nothing is wrong with being a virgin(: but sex FML's are the funniest to me