By chumman - 06/05/2014 13:55 - United States - New York

Today, I met this overweight chick and ended up sleeping with her. We were doing it doggy style and it was great until she said, "Milk me like a cow." I can no longer drink milk without hearing that in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 151
You deserved it 20 921

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well thanks OP. Now none of us can drink milk without thinking about that too.

Seems like you were a bit too thirsty..


sounds like you had a blast while hogging!

I'm an obese woman, and this is very offensive. Asshole.

138, I'm overweight too and I don't find this story offensive at all. He said "overweight" which is descriptive, he didn't say anything rude like "fatty" or "lardass" or anything, so the only reason you're offended is because you're trying really hard to be offended. Either that or you're the "cow" from the story, and you're offended he posted this.

I am pretty sure 138 is a guy being a troll.

If you are an obese woman then why does is say mister on your profile? Good thing you didn't claim to be smart

I don't understand all of the people upset over him saying she was overweight. It obviously makes the FML more visual. Would anyone be mad if he had said she was short? Facts are facts. He didn't say it offensively, he used it as a description.

avapaige1234 19

This reminds me of Cow from the cartoon series Cow and Chicken.

Why did she have to say that... that's just... mannnnn... I used to like milk :(

@138 You don't find the word 'obese' offensive?

Why did you specifically say "Overweight Chick,"?

alright now we have the cow the turkery what next the chicken or the pig?