By chumman - 06/05/2014 13:55 - United States - New York

Today, I met this overweight chick and ended up sleeping with her. We were doing it doggy style and it was great until she said, "Milk me like a cow." I can no longer drink milk without hearing that in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 168
You deserved it 20 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well thanks OP. Now none of us can drink milk without thinking about that too.

Seems like you were a bit too thirsty..


Now I'm just gonna be drinking milk one day and all I'm gonna hear is that and I'm gonna end up laughing so hard milk is gonna come out my nose.

It would've been different if you had told her to milk you like a cow.

Well did you? I mean milk is a great source of protein after all

Girlie7 11

I'll never figure out what the guy who discovered milking a cow was trying to do...

oh please. you're not scarred until you've read the milk fic.

mrut92 17

Omg! Hahaha I about died laughing man. Two questions tho. Did you? And, did she moo? Lol

I don't see how the "overweight" comment was necessary...

Morokei 10

The girl is overweight said "Milk me like a cow". "Cow" is used as an insult to overweight people. Hence why he mentioned that she's overweight.

Why would you make it a point to say she was overweight? Dick.