By Anonymous - 28/10/2009 05:42 - New Zealand

Today, I met up with a girl I've been talking to on the internet for a year and a half. Turns out she edits her moustache out of all her photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 332
You deserved it 35 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man I dont understand woman, she takes the effort the edit out her moustache in all of her online photos but cant get rid of it in real life :S


The first line of this FML automatically receives a FAIL.

You'd think that by taking the time and effort to carefully edit out her moustache in every photo, she'd just save herself the time and anguish and head to a waxer?

WorkThatButt 2

I made it through the wilderness... Somehow I made it through... Didn't know how lost I was, until I found you.. I was beat, incomplete.. I've been ***, I was sad and blue.... But you made me feel, yeah you made me feel Shiny and new... LIKE A VIRGIN... Hey. Touch for the very first time

Who said he was online dating? He said it's a girl he met online. He doesn't have to have met her on a dating website.

luvthsite 0

LMAO! yeah I agree that sucks. But on the VERY BRIGHT side. You can take her to your local nail shop and pay about $5 to kiss her moustache goodbye!!

"talking a year and a half", and complaining about a mustache? you invested that level and are hung up on something that is easily solved by nair? ydi

I think he's more bothered that she intentionally deceived him for a year and a half and didn't even have the common courtesy to give him a heads-up before they met. You'd think by that point that she'd be straightforward with him.

I guess yeah, from that level that is rough.

tangerine_12 0

hey, at least she wasnt a HE and also a serial killer, so id call you lucky.

now those are some winning expectations

Reminds me of sixth grade when I had a moustache.

candimtn 0

Gosh, didn't anyone tell you not to meet people IRL you found online? They just might have moustaches XD