By Anonymous - 28/10/2009 05:42 - New Zealand

Today, I met up with a girl I've been talking to on the internet for a year and a half. Turns out she edits her moustache out of all her photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 332
You deserved it 35 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man I dont understand woman, she takes the effort the edit out her moustache in all of her online photos but cant get rid of it in real life :S


unlucky93_fml 0

k? tell her to wax it.. not a big deal YDI for putting this up

banana_head 0

well that really sucks. that's what you get for dating over the internet.

Which is why you don't date over the internet. Next time It'll be a 40 year old man.

I surf beards. Just, thought I'd let you know.

Wow, then I must know some saints or something cause the people I know who "online date " (or anything of the like) are actually honest to each other O.o But wow.....I don't know who to blame here. Meeting someone online has a lot of risks, you should be ready for surprises even worse than this XD you're lucky she was even a girl.....although trying to reel in guys by lying is gonna turn them off once they really see her. .That's not good as well. Lesson learned though. Don't meet people online.

You're not the one getting humiliated on the internet for having embarassing facial hair, so how is this an FYL?

thats the price you play when you live in New Zealand

lmao where did you get that shit from? Plenty of girls here groom.

What, doesn't everybody do that? First of all: Buy her a razor. Second of all: Have sex. See, everything works out! Win-win situation!

I had a gf that had one of those once, when we started dating, she would make sure to get rid of it, but by the time we were a year or so into dating, she stopped caring... Also, I didn't know she also had a unibrow. I am not shallow, but personal hygiene plays a big part in it. *sigh. It sucks man. Get away.

RubixMonkey 0

If facial hair is so gross then I suppose you wax your legs, and shave your armpits and do your eyebrows. I am not saying girls shouldn't shave for hygiene, but did you ever think about how gross it is that guys have armpit hair, its gross. She might have thought that you loved her enough not to care about that.