By Anonymous - 23/07/2012 07:35 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I mowed over a bird while mowing the lawn. It wasn't dead, so I had to mow over it a second time to put it out of its misery. Now there are pieces of dead bird all over my lawn and I can't sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 133
You deserved it 19 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This could be a horror movie... Or a game. Angry, zombie birds.

I can't believe the bird didn't fly away :o


À little harsh to mow it again .. Wtf

Well, you were right to put it out of its misery if it was sure to die, so don't feel bad about that, just remember to keep a sharp eye out next time. It is still baby animal season, gotta pay attention.

I understand the first pass was an accident but if you had really wanted to be humane you could have gone about ending the poor bird's life in a more dignified manner.

Thats how I go through grass in Pokemon :D Jk, poor bird :c RIP

Thewoog34 0

Is it bad that I'm laughing?

Aww, I don't think "YDI". If it were me, I would've started panicking and running around like a headless chicken. At least you were "man" enough to kill it before it suffered more. I'm so sorry, it would be so traumatizing! :L

knoble09 2

I'm sorry, but this is the funniest shit I've ever read. I'm total animal person but oh my god what the ****?! But you did the right thing by not letting it suffer... Still funny as **** though.

kayellegee30 0

That's awful OP. These things do happen, but you had to put the bird out of the pain and suffering. Hope you can sleep. :)

Though it’s harsh, I respect what you did. It must have been so painful for it. It was an accident, so no one can be at blame. Even though it’s an accident, I feel for you when you feel so guilt ridden, that your sleep is interrupted. You did the right thing for it’s benefit though :)