By sweatstreaks - 16/09/2011 09:38 - United Kingdom

Today, I noticed that when I sweat I smell like bacon. I'm a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 116
You deserved it 11 518

Same thing different taste


Your sweat will bring all the boys to the yard...

cuddlebunny3548 11
Ironripster 0

are u fat, cause i dont like fat bacon

mysterious_chan 7
ShroomsOnAcid 16

Don't listen to them saying it's a "sign" OP, I've seen what the "all American" diet has done to people I love. It's something preventable, so it makes it all the more frustrating to watch someone surfer because of it.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Surfer? Wtf lol. Ahem, *Suffer.

leadman1989 15

Does that leave you A. Horny B. Traumatized C. Neither D. Both so you roll around on the floor with bacon wanking off. I think we've solved your problem.

Mattador_fml 0

That must attract the bigger guys ;)

It's because your body is just trying to tell you what it's really wanting. Stop depriving yourself.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

You're right, my body really wants some shrooms, I should stop depriving myself today already.