By sweatstreaks - 16/09/2011 09:38 - United Kingdom

Today, I noticed that when I sweat I smell like bacon. I'm a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 116
You deserved it 11 518

Same thing different taste


EvilDave 13

Quit whining. You want to live and eat like a prey, you should smell like prey too.

YUM!!! put it on some biscuits and you are set!!!!

ikickgingers 15

I would lick You. If you tasted like beer too... Hell yes!!!! Bring it on!!

ikickgingers 15

Wtf not you. Op. **** I am getting a droid wtf!!

Every vegetarian should smell like bacon

picklemonger 13

That's your subconscious telling you to rethink your position I'm meat by putting delicious bacon in your thoughts.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

94 Technically it could control the perception of smell, because what are our senses really but just what we perceive them to be?