By natattack - 11/09/2013 21:35 - United States - Temple

Today, I officially became a divorced marriage counselor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 606
You deserved it 7 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well now you can give your clients counselling on what not to do from first hand experience! Start charging more!!!

Wizardo 33

Well learn from your own shortcomings and help yourself and others, I'm sorry about it but hopefully it gets better for ya OP.


ViviMage 39

It helps you know the wins and the losses, the lows and the highs, the comforting truths and the hurtful lies. It gives you a perspective that speaks from experience, to help your clients. If you never married at all you would be an oxymoron.

doesnt mean its u, some people dont want to be married or dont know how to be married. sometimes divorce needs to happen for many reasons

caligirllife 11

Time to change careers? Divorce lawyer perhaps?

surfergirl72 7

Going to a single, never been married marriage counselor is like going to a male OB. I'm sure he's good and qualified, but he doesn't have any actual experience. So your marriage failed. There's a lot of people assuming its your fault. Some things are beyond our control. Idk personally, I'd rather have someone who had been in the trenches.

an3ph 20

That's okay. I'm a dead funeral director.

Congrats on your new job as marriage counselor! Best of luck with your new career.

First hand experience of what not to do staring OP.

I understand why you're embarrassed, OP, but you should know this: staying in a doomed marriage just for the sake of not being divorced is a TERRIBLE IDEA, and not something you would ever advise your clients to do. You'd be a worse marriage counselor if you stayed married for a stupid reason like not being seen as a hypocrite. You probably made the right decision.

Just remember that it takes both sides willing to make it work for a marriage to be successful! I hope you can turn this into something positive!